Friday, April 30, 2010

Flowers from the Backyard

I just love the bright pink of this verbena, makes everything pop. I am loving white azaleas this year. Paired up with the bright pink azaleas just makes me a happy girl. Spider warts grow wild around here. I like to put them in large clumps for a draught tolerant winner. Lastly is my sweetheart miniature rose climber. It was my Mother's favorite flower and I planted it in her
memory. We are enjoying the great Spring weather now that the backyard is in order once again.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Latest Adventure

We recently got away for a week to visit the kids in Virginia Beach. The weather was great! No rain and not to terribly hot. They have a new Kishon puppy. She is adorable so playful and sassy! The Easter Bunny visited while we were there and left a gazillion eggs. We got to visit the Norfolk Botanical Gardens. This is a beautiful garden with lots of exhibits and they even have bald eagles nesting in the wild there. Unfortunately they nest so high up I could not get a good picture. We also visited Busch Gardens. Those boys and their Daddy do love a good roller coaster! Sarah Beth, Debbie and I preferred the smaller version and road it numerous times. We
got to take a walk on the beach and get some family pictures. It was all over with much to soon but so good to get away. Back to business now getting our flower gardens ready.