Friday, August 29, 2008

More Pics

Faye and other visitors last week!

Cory and his family visited last week and we had so many fun things planned to do with the kids outside. Alas, tropical storm Faye visited and she kept us inside most of the time. We did manage to slip out to the pool a couple of times and here are some scenes from that. Note Sarah underwater! This is a big change from last year when she would hardly get in the water. This summer she was jumping off the steps and going under. What a difference a year makes!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ya just gotta do it!

Okay here is my PSA for the year: If you are fifty or older you have to be tested for colon cancer. Here me out here, if caught early it can be cured if not, well we just won't go there here. The test is a colonoscopy and the new preps are much better than the old ones. The day of the test they give you this medicine they call "a six pack in a syringe" and you will not feel or remember anything I promise! I had mine done last week and I cannot believe how easy it was. Just Do It!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Redecorated Den

Finally got the den finished! Thought it would be a simple fix after I gave the picture to Cory. He had always wanted the picture in there and would ask when he could have it and I would always say when I die. LOL Then when he was commissioned as an officer I thought it would be a nice gift. I thought I would replace the picture plus get a new couch and be done. NOT! The curtains and rug where no longer right for the room. Fast forward a couple of months and here we are. We are liking it, has a comfortable relaxing feel.

Here is Eathan at 5 months during his visit this week. Growing like a weed and almost sitting up by himself.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Bad Bad Blogger!

Ouch! I have been such a lame blogger, guess my IRL just got in the way. I will try to do better.

Looking forward to Toni and Lynn visiting this week. Lynn has business with the Wild Turkey Federation and Toni is coming over to get the "E-Man's" scrapbook. It is up to date for now. Here is a sneak peak along with Cory's picture after he was commissioned.